Emily Christenson grew up in IL with a mother who was an abstract artist and Black Hawk State Park Historic Site as her backyard. Always able to sense spirits and unseen energies around her, she spent her childhood exploring the forests outdoors and experimenting with a variety of art materials in her mother’s studio. She graduated in 2002 with a double major in drawing and painting from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in Minneapolis, MN. She has exhibited her paintings, drawings, and photographs nationally and internationally in numerous galleries, art centers and museums in Washington, DC, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Pennsylvania and Ireland. She has received two merit award grants and her work is in many public and private collections including Delucchi +, Washington, DC, Bellcomb Technologies, Minneapolis, MN, and the Dubuque Museum of Art. She was co-owner and gallery director of renee grae gallery, as well as an ongoing instructor of both adults and children at the Figge Art Museum.  

In 2014, starting with a series of traumatic initiation experiences she was called away from the contemporary art and gallery scene, and began to focus on strengthening her spiritual gifts and how to use them to help others in her healing practice. In 2020 she was involved in a severe car accident where she had (her second) powerful NDE and STE, and that experience continues to shape her ideas of trauma and mediumship. She teaches shamanic creative power workshops and workshops for Living Proof Exhibit, working with art and healing with those whose life has been affected by cancer. She works as a shamanic practitioner and evidential medium, also combining her artwork with spiritual teachings and soul-to-soul work. She also does custom painting on drums, and creates handmade natural hide drums.

In her shamanic studies she has taken advanced workshops from The Foundation of Shamanic Studies, and advanced courses from Sandra Ingerman and Carole Meade among others. Her evidential mediumship development path has taken her to develop under mediums Andy Byng, Colin Bates, Suzanne Giesemann, and various other mediums and tutors from the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England. She is married, a mom of two boys and a husky. She lives in the boreal forests along the North Shore of Lake Superior in northern Minnesota where she maintains her painting studio incorporating her healing energy practice into her artwork. She enjoys working in-person with her sessions, but because of her remote location she does a lot of work as distance readings through Zoom. Through these spiritual healing sessions and evidential mediumship readings she is blessed to be in constant connection with understanding energy and vibration and how to incorporate it into our lives.

For purchase information CONTACT email: thepaintedmessage@gmail.com